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Of the nine questions customers should ask about SaaS, seven also apply to on-premise deployment. However, the issues of changing needs prompt two more questions unique to SaaS. These involve the option of shifting from SaaS to on-premise implementation of the same application and vice versa, and the range of choices among hosting providers.
White Paper Acumatica ERP Software Review
Determine real-time profitability by warehouse, product line, location, or business unit while reducing costs across your entire supply and distribution chain.
Datasheet Acumatica ERP Software Review
Improve customer service and profitability with real-time access to available inventory, inventory in transit, and inventory costs.
Datasheet Acumatica ERP Software Review
Improving business efficiency is a perennial concern for any company that hopes to achieve "best-in-class" operations. Businesses that successfully improve efficiency stand to reduce operating costs while improving the effectiveness and profitability of their operations. They also gain time to devote to strategic planning.
White Paper Sage ERP Software Review
Rudy's Tortillas is a 65-year-old, family-owned company that sells primarily to restaurant chains in 35 states. The company has seen accelerated growth over the past decade as demand for its premium quality corn and flour tortillas has increased.
Case Study Sage ERP Software Review
Many enterprises have already adopted Software as a Service (SaaS) for non-critical applications-more than three-quarters of U.S. organizations by the end of 2009, according to IDC. Now some are beginning to examine the case for introducing SaaS for core business applications, such as accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
White Paper NetSuite ERP Software Review
The content in this paper is excerpted from the IDC Competitive Analysis, Worldwide ERP Applications 2006 Vendor Shares: Toip Vendors in Small, Medium-Sized, and Large Customer Segments, by Albert Pang, Research Director of Enterprise Applications at IDC.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
The Forrester Wave evaluation of enterprise apps software licensing and pricing assesses vendors against two distinct requirement sets: small- and medium-sized business (SMB) licensing requirements that favor user based pricing, and large enterprise licensing requirements that value a choice of licensing metrics.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
In today's competitive market, businesses are living in a constant state of change. This is especially true in the services sector because of the more fluid "people resource" (versus supply chain commodity) factor, which brings an additional layer of change dynamics to business operations.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
Last Friday, Agresso conducted a research analyst call regarding a number of recent wins they have made in the North American ERP software market. Highlights of the call included a brief talk from Ray Wang of Forrester and a discussion from George Lawton, VP of Vector Aerospace.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
Agresso Business World offers customers unrivalled post-implementation agility – the ability to alter the system and get new information out when your requirements change, without having to call in external help. This is especially relevant to dynamic, mid-market public sector and professional services organizations.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
Agresso Business World offers customers unrivalled post-implementation agility – the ability to alter the system and get new information out when your requirements change, without having to call in external help. It is Agresso's unique VITA architecture that allows it to do this.
White Paper Agresso ERP Software Review
Learn why businesses are calling NetSuite "SAP for the Rest of Us." Hear Zach Nelson, CEO, of NetSuite, Inc. and a panel of NetSuite customers experienced with big ERP discuss the business benefits of on-demand solutions over traditional, big-ticket, on-premise applications such as MySAP.
Demo NetSuite ERP Software Review
In this paper we respectfully present our conclusion, namely that some LEAN initiatives can be hugely strengthened with a synergistic ERP implementation and vice versa, whereas in other cases the two efforts should really be viewed as separate initiatives and managed independently from each other.
White Paper SYSPRO ERP Software Review
Like a civil engineering endeavor or sizable construction project, implementing an enterprise-wide application like an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to help run your business is a costly and complex process. And just as would be the case with any significant undertaking, success is not a given.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) products salespeople make a lot of promises, and to listen to them, you might think that simply installing their software on a server and paying their licensing fees is all that is required to realize measurable business benefits.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Choosing and tracking business performance metrics is an accepted best practice in manufacturing operations. But choosing the correct metrics and establishing automated
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Any manufacturer that has a substantial number of shipments from a distribution facility has likely at least considered bringing some degree of automation to their warehouse and shipping functions.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Historical dates are divided into years B.C., or before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and A.D., or anno domini. In this white paper we won’t debate the mistakes that the monk Dionysius Exiguus made in arriving at the date of transition between eras, or whether the more neutral terms B.C.E. and C.E.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
The maximum output of many manufacturing operations is determined primarily by their market. The company can sell only a percentage of the products that the manufacturing plant can produce.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Anyone even peripherally exposed to business media that touch on enterprise application technology has seen the term service-oriented architecture (SOA) bandied about in advertisements and articles.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Periodically throughout history, the world economy changes in drastic, revolutionary ways. These changes are driven by technology, the spread of new ideas and ways of
thinking, cultural changes and the gradual accumulation of human experience. Examples of these economic sea changes include the transition from hunter-gatherer
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
While service oriented architecture (SOA) has become a ubiquitous buzzword, the word component - or object - is not used as widely. Yet an effective SOA-based enterprise application relies on the use of well-defined, modular software components. What is a software component? For that matter, what, really, is an SOA?
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
A low rumble is emanating from Microsoft about its new .NET initiative. The volume is rising. Have you heard it? You will. .NET (pronounced "Dot Net") will be ringing in our ears by fall 2001 when the first .NET software is officially released and Microsoft brings its marketing machine up to full power.
White Paper Consona ERP Software Review
The release of Microsoft's landmark technology called .NET ("dot net") posed an unprecedented challenge for all ERP companies. While the public has only recently become aware of Microsoft .NET, among ERP software vendors the key strategic decisions about how to apply .NET occurred back in 2000.
White Paper Consona ERP Software Review
Now more than ever, organizations of all sizes and descriptions are struggling to comply with regulations and manage the risks and penalties of failing to operate within the rules. Establishing, maintaining and proving compliance
requires both money and time that executives and shareholders would rather invest in top-line growth.
White Paper Epicor ERP Software Review
This NetSuite White Paper explores the business processes underpinning companies that derive their revenue from the provision of services - whether they are standalone service-providing businesses or parts of a larger organization.
White Paper NetSuite ERP Software Review

2012 Top 20 ERP Software
2012 Top 15 Manufacturing Software
2012 Top 15 Accounting Software