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IFS ERP Software Review
Like a civil engineering endeavor or sizable construction project, implementing an enterprise-wide application like an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to help run your business is a costly and complex process. And just as would be the case with any significant undertaking, success is not a given.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) products salespeople make a lot of promises, and to listen to them, you might think that simply installing their software on a server and paying their licensing fees is all that is required to realize measurable business benefits.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Choosing and tracking business performance metrics is an accepted best practice in manufacturing operations. But choosing the correct metrics and establishing automated
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Any manufacturer that has a substantial number of shipments from a distribution facility has likely at least considered bringing some degree of automation to their warehouse and shipping functions.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Historical dates are divided into years B.C., or before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth and A.D., or anno domini. In this white paper we won’t debate the mistakes that the monk Dionysius Exiguus made in arriving at the date of transition between eras, or whether the more neutral terms B.C.E. and C.E.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
The maximum output of many manufacturing operations is determined primarily by their market. The company can sell only a percentage of the products that the manufacturing plant can produce.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Anyone even peripherally exposed to business media that touch on enterprise application technology has seen the term service-oriented architecture (SOA) bandied about in advertisements and articles.
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
Periodically throughout history, the world economy changes in drastic, revolutionary ways. These changes are driven by technology, the spread of new ideas and ways of
thinking, cultural changes and the gradual accumulation of human experience. Examples of these economic sea changes include the transition from hunter-gatherer
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review
While service oriented architecture (SOA) has become a ubiquitous buzzword, the word component - or object - is not used as widely. Yet an effective SOA-based enterprise application relies on the use of well-defined, modular software components. What is a software component? For that matter, what, really, is an SOA?
White Paper IFS ERP Software Review

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