What to Look for in ERP Software? Well, It’s up to You!

As a result, companies such as Oracle and SAP develop Tier 1 solutions that are designed to meet the needs of the larger organization. The companies operating in the SMB space are more likely to select Tier 2 offerings, which can often be industry-focused as well. In fact, Panorama Consulting has found that 24 percent of SMBs will implement Tier 2 options, compared with 17 percent of larger organizations. As a result, the enterprise will spend more on ERP platforms, but a lower percentage of total revenue. SMBs will spend less, but a higher percentage of total revenue.

Once you are able to work out the fine details of the implementation process and cost, you can begin to enjoy the vast features and benefits offered by ERP software. Regardless of the size of your business, you will benefit from the financial capabilities you will gain with ERP as it helps to ensure compliance and predictability in the performance of your business. You quickly gain deeper insight into the financial health of your business, while also tightening control over all finances. Your human resource management processes can be optimized with a complete and integrated approach to global human capital management solutions.

While trying to manage the end-to-end process of logistics and procurement, you can leverage the ERP platform to optimize the complete business cycle, as well as the flow of materials. You also gain the visibility necessary to manage the entire life cycle of the development and manufacturing of your products. In addition, all cost-intensive corporate functions can be supported, integrated and streamlined with ERP software to maximize transparency and control. In the end, you can effectively reduce the financial and environmental risk for your company and your employees.

Whether your company fits into the enterprise category, or is considered an SMB, you have the opportunity to gain access to a wide range of features in an ERP software implementation. Whether you want seamless integration between all departments, tools available at the ready for key decision makers, streamlined visibility across the supply chain, automated processes throughout the organization, or a one-stop-click for all information, ERP software can meet the needs of your company.

Apples and Oranges – Are All ERP Software Solutions Equal?

It can be easy to assume that all ERP software solutions do the same thing, and therefore deliver the same features and benefits to your organization. Making this assumption, however, can cost you considerable time and resources as ERP platforms can be vast in platform, integration, features and cost. You not only need to investigate how well a solution fits your needs, but also how the support and delivery platform fit into your environment, and if the level of integration is satisfactory in order to meet your needs.

Determining whether or not the ERP software platform is customizable is an important point here. If your company is operating in the SMB sector, you may be more likely to find a satisfying solution in an out-of-the-box ERP platform as the integration and support necessary for your environment can be found in standard solutions. If you are a larger company operating in a specific niche market, however, you may need a customized approach to the management of your business.