Full Capabilities Needed for the ERP for Small Businesses Software

Small to mid sized companies have unique requirements for ERP planning and software. They almost demand full capabilities without the complex nature of the software. They prefer to see a quick return on their investment due to the size of their company. Vendors are finally seeing this need and stepping up to the plate to deliver. ERP for small businesses is the next hot thing according to vendors.

There are now more options than there ever have been for the small to mid sized companies. Small to mid sized business owners are also seeing the great need they have for upgrading their company with software that was once thought of as being only for large companies. Everything from Human Resources, financial planning and project management have seen the need for upgrades; luckily the ERP for small businesses software can handle all of that.

Looking at the Vendors

There are now over thirty vendors for your company to choose from that offer the ERP for small businesses. The vendors saw that the small and mid sized companies were the ones who were doing the most buying and have adjusted their products and prices to fit those needs. Each vendor that is out there that offers the ERP for small businesses probably specializes in different fields. Some may focus more on distributors while others may focus on memberships or professional services. No matter what need your company would like to see met, there is something out there for you just waiting to be found.

The Big Guys

SAP, Sage Software, Oracle and Microsoft are ultimately the big hitters in the field of the ERP for small businesses. Their offerings are more generic so that they can service a wider range of customers. Their timetables for implementation are almost nothing as compared to what they were a few years ago. Because these four companies are so large, they have also been able to trim the cost of their products. In years past, the ERP for small businesses would cost you nearly a seven figure amount; now all four companies offer their products for less than $100,000.

On Demand ERP for Small Businesses

One other vendor that should be noted is NetSuite. Their products have been available for a flat fee of $149.00 per user per month. This is a good option for small businesses that do not have a lot of money to spend on initial start up costs. Their software products are as good as anyone else but they have found a way to market it at a lower price.

Looking Into Your Options

With all of the options that are available now is the perfect time to look into the software that is geared towards the ERP for small businesses. Your company will benefit from it greatly and you will be surprised at how well your employees will be able to adapt to the new software system. Once you have integrated all of your departments into one software system your company will run more efficiently than it ever has before.