Does This ERP Software Make Me Look Fat? Avoiding a Less Than Ideal ERP Fit

Before you’ve invested the time and resources into selecting ERP software, it’s worth it to know what makes a good fit -- and how to avoid an ERP software solution that isn’t flattering to your organization. This is no small matter, because ERP software can potentially change everything about the way you manage your business. What are some common areas of ERP software struggles you could avoid?

Keepin it Real With ERP Software Benefits

An ERP software system is not a substitute for broken-down systems you already have in place, nor is it a substitute for systems you might have needed to change out years ago. Instead, keep the mindset that implementing an ERP software solution means you can expect new streamlining of data across your production, inventory, workflows, human resources, sales and finance, for example. Keep the benefits ERP software has to offer as your focus, so you can have expectations for the product that really come to life.

Another perk to knowing what benefits you want to derive from your ERP software is that you’re less likely to create an ERP solution that seems to be IT-related – while in reality, it’s going to be a part of how every division carries out their successes.

Ditch an Implementation Schedule That Goes On and On

One way to see the ERP software benefits be brought to reality is to have a clear and sequential plan for your ERP software implementation that’s built on the enhancements you hope to see. Get buy-in for this plan approved from all levels of management before you embark on it, which will help you avoid information lags that can set your schedule way off course.

As you seek approval on your implementation plan, also seek the promise that your management will truly take part in the process, asking for more than just a head nod. Keeping on track with your ERP software implementation also helps boost morale for the changes the system will bring to your culture and workflow. It’s a big undertaking, so having sequential steps to check-off helps everyone realize that you’re making serious impacts.

Blowing Past the Budget Doesn’t Have to Happen When You Implement ERP Software

Watching your ERP software implementation sail right by your budget and your estimated completion dates can cause everyone to lose hope in the power the ERP system can provide. You can help your implementation team avoid budget overflow by making it a priority to go step-by-step through your current workflow processes, and being honest about the actual challenges you’re facing. During this process, you’ll try to answer the question – is this ERP software actually a match for what we can do currently, how our staff functions, and how we want to perform in the future? The answer may be no many times before it will be yes.

How Will You Know If Arrival Has Been Reached?

After putting the time and energy into choosing your ERP software solution, you could find yourself wondering “what now?” Answer this question before the process is complete by building in research and review of business cases. When you’re creating your own business case for implementing ERP software, consider how the successes you’ll derive from ERP will impact your current business.