5 Signs that Your Company Needs an ERP Solution

You have a quite a lot of information to capture and when you leverage your IT capabilities to better understand your financial phenomenon, you can use the information to make strategic decisions. At the same time, you rely on this financial information to measure the actual performance of the company, versus your strategic goals. You also need this information available to make quick decisions.

The increased number of clients and employees puts more pressure on basic systems and integration across the enterprise becomes an intense challenge. ERP software eliminates that challenge, providing visibility across all financial transactions. With that visibility, you can know the financial health of the business at any point in time, and within any division of the company.

3. Your Supply Chain Has More Bottlenecks than Pepsi

You rely heavily on your supply chain to ensure you can meet your customer expectations, but bottlenecks can slow your whole process and even put the order in jeopardy. One of the best methods for eliminating bottlenecks is to understand their causes in order to prevent the occurrence. A linear approach to the supply chain may have worked well when your business was small, but now that you’re growing, it is likely that your supply chain is much more complicated and therefore, demands a more robust approach.

Implementing ERP software gives you the ability to apply supply chain management within your operation. SCM will take your linear model and work it into an adaptive network that can drive measureable benefits for your organization. These benefits can include the ability to more quickly respond to changes in supply and demand, increase customer satisfaction, more readily comply with regulatory requirements, improve your overall cash flow, increase your profit margins and synchronize all activities within the organization to align with your business priorities.

Optimal SCM requires a robust ERP software implementation that drives all of your decisions based on an integrated approach to the supply chain. When you have clear visibility and a strategic path to follow for reaching your goals, you can effectively streamline your efforts to ensure bottlenecks are eliminated, the supply chain is fully proficient and all customer needs and wants are met.

4. Your Small Business is now a Medium-Sized Business

Depending upon the industry in which you operate, the definition of a small or medium business can vary. One thing you know for sure, you now have many more employees, your client base has increased significantly, and your distribution channels are expanding. The growth is definitely a good thing, but can you manage this growth effectively and find quality employees? The answer can easily be found in an ERP software platform.

Such a platform can provide you with robust human resource (HR) software that will help ensure you – or your HR managers – hire the quality individuals you need to help the business to grow. You also need key individuals in place to manage those employees. Personalities need to be matched to the role of the job and specific cultures within the teams – without an integrated approach to the hiring process, this can be difficult to accomplish.