CAS AG Capitalizes on ERP's Need for An Overhaul, Announces CAS 8

November 9, 2009 - 7:18pm | 0 Comment(s)

This week, CAS AG, a provider of CRM and mobile solutions for the consumer products (CP) industry, launched the latest version of their integrated suite, CAS 8. Targeting large enterprises, this new edition allows users global mobility and the advanced trade promotion management capabilities needed to leverage existing ERP systems to drive growth and profitability.

More specifically, CAS 8 is a suite of CRM and mobility software that includes trade promotion optimization, retail execution, direct store delivery, and field service. It offers great flexibility to accommodate the ERP systems of different verticals within the CP industry. CAS 8 also touts a new user experience via built-in collaboration with ERGOSIGN, which is an interface design firm, and it will be the first enterprise-wide app to employ the interactive capabilities of Microsoft Silverlight. CAS is also a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, and CAS 8 includes a broad spectrum of Microsoft products in addition to Silverlight.

CAS 8 in many ways acknowledges the structural overhaul necessary for ERP systems to move forward—or at least capitalizes on this need. Typical ERP legacy systems focus on the back-office, and don’t offer much by way of mobility solutions or customer management; CAS 8 aims to bridge this gap for the consumer products industry. It will be interesting to see how long these types of integrations will continue to grow—if legacy ERP systems can indeed survive with these kinds of add-ons, or if the foundational overhaul will come sooner rather than later.