Epicor ERP Updates iScala for Global Enterprises

November 3, 2009 - 1:58pm | 0 Comment(s)

Acknowledging the impending (and very welcome) economic recovery, at the end of last month, Epicor released iScala SR2 to help businesses survive the current slump and then scale easily during convalescence. The product is designed for global enterprises, and this latest iteration features extended functionality and flexibility to accommodate regular changes in local business requirements. The latest improvements were made after consulting with current Epicor users to assess what enhancements were most needed.

General updates to iScala SR2 focus on scalability and agility, and enable businesses to plan for future growth, focus on corporate governance and security to reduce the cost of compliance, and adapt to dynamic global requirements in over 150 countries. Atlet, a global materials handling company, was especially pleased with the improvements to service order management processes, as well as the availability of invoicing history in contract management and provisions for e-mail invoices.

iScala SR2 also boasts two new modules: Credit Control and Distribution Planning. The former allows finance departments to mitigate risks and control credit globally; the latter facilitates more efficient logistics management and lowers their carbon footprint. A Swedish distribution company, Nelco, cited iScala’s integratability as another plus, for it increased their productivity without requiring them to replace their ERP system.

Global enterprises will mostly likely experience the most drastic surges when the recession ends, so it is smart to cater to them and offer this kind of elasticity for a dynamic economy. This promise of scalability for the economic upturn might emerge as a brief trend in ERP, but only time will tell.