NetSuite Launches Its iPhone Application

September 24, 2009 - 2:04pm | 0 Comment(s)

Last week, NetSuite announced the launch of the first cloud-computing ERP suite for the iPhone. The application allows users real-time access to their on-demand SaaS products, and is currently available for free. Given its positive reviews, NetSuite’s iPhone app will likely be viable competition to a similar application released earlier this year.

Dashboards aggregate the platform’s ERP, CRM, and e-commerce data, and on-the-go users also have access to the lead data, calendars, and other productivity tools to keep abreast of company activities. Companies with customized fields, records, and dashboard elements in their ERP web suites will see these same alterations represented in the application, in an effort by NetSuite to make the web to mobile transition seamless.

After two weeks of availability, NetSuite is reporting there have been more than 1,000 downloads of the app from the iTunes store, and as previously mentioned, reviews have been mostly glowing. Thus far, the biggest problem with the app is that it is more for viewing than editing—simple lead and contact information cannot be entered from a mobile device. However, prior to the iPhone app, NetSuite has released applications for BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices that have editing functionality, so most likely the issue of mobile data entry will be solved with the release of a second version.