Natural Sugar Factory ERP Software

December 21, 2008 - 2:05pm | 0 Comment(s)

Foreign-based Natural Sugar Factory has developed a new ERP Software tailored to fit their specific industry. With ERP Software options limited for the sugar industry, Natural Sugar Factory looked for a way to streamline their processes and optimize production. In doing so, they developed their own ERP software that specifically meets the requirements of sugar companies in linking departments throughout the sugar industry.

This low cost software option should help revolutionize the sugar industry. With their new ERP Software comes many integratable modules that can support many other processes within the company. The software should provide sugar plantation owners in depth knowledge of a variety of metrics, helping them sort and track from start to finish.

This complete solution is uniquely designed towards the Sugar Industry and should provide specialized features. For more information on this new innovative solution, you can read the full article here.